Friday, 15 January 2010

Boxing Day Bruises & New Years Resolutions

What better way to spend Boxing Day than to get out on your bike, work off the excess of your Christmas lunch and enjoy a nice half day ride to get you back into cycling before starting your training in earnest in the New Year? It sounded like a good plan at the time, but didn't turn out to be so idyllic on the day! After lots of cold and icy weather I was unsure about whether the ride would go ahead, but I was assured that we'd stick to main roads if it got icy.

As we headed off down the canal path, there were plenty of icy patches, causing us to get off our bikes and carefully find a route through. At the first opportunity we got up onto Topsham Road where the surface was much better. The ride to Exmouth went pretty well. Again, there were a few patches of ice on the way, but people were calling out warnings, taking it steadily and getting through ok. On the whole I was pleased I still seemed to have some fitness levels remaining - although I did as usual fall back from the group every time we came to a slight incline!

Arriving in Exmouth, we just managed beat the rush for tea and cakes (or a bacon buttie in my case - very delicious!) as the fun run set off. It was good to have time to sit and chat with people and not to be in too much of a hurry to move. Most of the group set off again at different times, taking different routes home. We joined a small group heading back via Woodbury and going to visit Sarah, who despite having her arm in a sling, entertained us wonderfully with coffee, biscuits and mince pies - thanks Sarah, it was lovely!

It wasn't until we set off back home on the last leg of our ride that disaster struck! As we turned off from one lane into another, we hit a patch of ice. Unfortunately as I'd been bumbling along at the back of the group as usual, I missed the call from ahead warning us of ice on the road. I saw Ant sliding around in front of me and to avoid crashing into him, instinctively (but not very cleverly!) pulled on the brakes. I remember an initial slide which caused me to let out a little yelp and the next thing I knew I was lying face down in the road, with my chin just inches from the tarmac. Ouch! I wasn't really aware of what had happened to Ant at the time - he had managed to stop on his bike, but then as he put his foot down had slipped on the ice and come off his bike too. Fortunately he didn't seem to incur much damage, so was quickly coming to my aid along with Kirby. I gradually got up and thanks to Kirby managed to avoid rolling into a stream of cold water! Luckily nothing was broken and we were soon back on our bikes cycling home. That seemed like the longest five miles in the world!

Just before we came into Clyst St Mary Kirby noticed my derailleur was bent and moments later, this was dedmonstrated when I changed gear and my bike ground to a halt! The chain was caught in the wheels, so I had to remember which gears I could stay in for the rest of the trip home! As we cycled down into Clyst St Mary the path was very wet and I was terrified of slipping again. Getting up Old Rydon Lane required a real push, then coming downt the road at Countess Wear I felt the bike slip again and started feeling nervous. Luckily it was all flat from there back home, but with lots of walkers out and about on the bridge, I finally gave up and walked the bike home from there.

It was a real relief to get home, but I was very nervous about looking at my knees! Luckily they didn't look too bad. They were badly grazed and bleeding, but nothing too horrendous, which is good, because I'm ridiculously hopeless when it comes to these things! After lots of wincing, I got myself cleaned up, put some plasters on and had a cup of tea. Much better!

At the time I thought it would just take a few days for the wounds to heal. Unfortunately since then the bruising has caused me more trouble and it seems like it will still be another three weeks or so before that sorts itself out. Fingers crossed I can get back on the bike again soon and get back into training...the six months from January have are rapidly becoming 5 with no training under my belt. Oh and I must get the bike fixed too...

Trying to stay positive, I've made some New Years Resolutions following my Boxing Day Adventure:

1. Re-stock the first aid kit
2. Go on a first aid course to learn what on earth half of the items in the first aid kit are!
3. Get some winter cycle leggings (have done that - and they have double layer knees!)
4. Go on a bike maintenance course (booked for Feb)
5. Sort out a training programme
6. Get a new (or second hand, but more suitable) bike
7. Cycle from London to Paris!

Happy New Year Everyone!!